Just the FAQ ma'am. Just the FAQ. This is a quick placeholder with the bare details about our trip. Something more in-depth will be coming soon. Feel free to leave additional questions in the comment section.
What's this all about?Well, it's three guys who have been fast friends for more than a decade on the road for the summer of 2005, gone out looking for America, for themselves, for answers and questions and meaning.
This is a website for us to communicate with the wider world on our travels. It's for our family, our fiends, the people we meet along the way, for anyone really. We hope that this trip is not only valuable to us in terms of our own experience, but that by chonicalling and documenting what we can, that it can be valuable to many others, people who we know and total strangers we may inspire or inform.
Who are you guys?
We all grew up in Oregon, went to highschool together, then sort of fanned our around the country and the globe afterwards. We've maintained our connection over the years as we grown and deepened as humans. Aside from the three dudes, there's also Sixto, the dog who would not be silenced. Brief bios are coming soon.
Where are you going?
The best place to figure out where we're headed is to look at our map page We're basically making a sideways U-shape circuit of the continental USA. We're not going everywhere, but we're hitting a lot of spots.
To see where we've been you can read the travelogue or just keep coming back to see what's new on the site.
(there's more)