Vagabender came to a close this past Sunday at around 3pm Pacific. Lucas flew to New York out of Reno -- essentially direct from Burning Man, an experience I do not envy -- and Mark and Zya packed it out shortly thereafter. I stayed Sunday night in Black Rock City on my own, which was a good choice for me, but that moment was, for all intents and purposes the end of the trip. It's an existential time. I am spent, both literally and figuratively, after twelve weeks on the road. We saw a lot, said a lot, drank deeply from the well of experience. We had a blast. Digestion will take a while.
For the moment all I can offer is the promise of more. It looks like our last batch of photos -- half of what we got from Iowa and all of the last leg back to CA -- may be missing, but there are plenty of other things to put up.
I will write some more travelogueish posts -- there are unpublished notes and audio going all the way back to the Mojave in June -- and pen my own epilogue to things once I have the critical distance. I'm hoping the others will come through with some final words of their own, so it's not just me giving a look back. Finally, the website such as it is will get some re-org/design at some point. At the very least I'll reverse the order of the posts on the front page, so that newcomers to the story can start at the beginning.
In any event, I'd like to thank anyone and everyone who followed along with our journey. I hope you enjoyed what we were able to bring you. I'd also like especially to thank all the people who we met along the way, all the people who made this possible. Without the hospitality, help and camradre we found, this wouldn't have been the trip that it was. You are America (or in some cases Germany, Mexico, Finland, Russia, Israel or any number of other places) and you are beautiful.
It was our pleasure.