Vagabender Takes The Day Off

Submitted by Josh on July 5, 2005 - 2:14pm.

Desert Dog Dauter
You gotta do what you gotta do to make it work in the desert, man.
It's a rest day for us. You don't go out during the sunlight hours in Tucson unless you have to, and we don't have to. The truck is at John's and Mark and I have access to 4th of July leftovers, Taelyn's DVD collection, the swamp cooler, and enough cold beer to make it a real vacation day. Luke got lawyer lucky, should be home later.

Just another lazy afternoon in America. Tomorrow we may be on the move to Northern New Mexico by way of rental car. Today we rest.

Tucson, AZ
See map: Yahoo! Maps
Auntified Christinaitis (not verified) Says:
July 6, 2005 - 9:36am

This is the relative of our boy Mark, writing.
I have spent the morning reading everything posted so far and find it delightful save for one thing: descriptions of Flora and Fauna, weather, environment/ pollution or lack thereof? How does the natural America look everywhere? Air quality animals? please report. also love those little chick sitings..tell us more about Girl scouting et al.
Neil and I have now gotten Dads kitchen and laundry room painted and today set down the new floor! Things moving along beautfully. History is being made in little ol' Lompoc/Vandenburg Village and we were the facilitators! Let it be known!
Love along the road of life,
Aunt Tina

Josh Says:
July 6, 2005 - 12:34pm

I have to say you've got a point there Tina. I'd chalk it up to where my own interests and inclinations lie. But now that we've got Mark posting en español, maybe we can get him to share his wealth of knowledge and understanding of the natural world too.

Also, we've got a bunch of photos to catch up on adding, which might be a catalyst for more observations about our natural surroundings.

Oregon Ant (not verified) Says:
July 8, 2005 - 8:54am

whoa - i cain't read spanish. i was impressed marks's post looked tres sophisticated - but puleeze give us blog perusers the english translation. would love to read my nephew's comments. Just loved the pictues with Grandpa and Neil in Lompoc too! Via con Dios young men!

Mark Says:
July 8, 2005 - 12:41pm

Hey Pris, great to hear from you! Please congratulate Dave and send my love to the fam. As to translations, it takes me a good long time to write a paragraph in spanish so I probably won't be translating anything. I plan to do posts in both languages, kind of alternating back and forth. However, you can get a hilarious and to the point computer translation at the Babelfish site.