I really have to apologize for another non-meaty post. I'm working on writing up the log of what's been going on: heading down the coast and into the desert, and then Vegas, baby, Vegas. The atmosphere and energy is continuing to gain momentum now that we're in undiscovered country and we've had some time to break eachother in, loosen up a bit.
We're all getting tan, and the truck is getting systematized to the point where it's pretty friggin' sweet. A rhythm is developing. Right this moment I'm sitting on a curb outside a Quality Inn in St. George, Utah, sipping up the free wi-fi. The sun is beginning to set and the air smells of smoke from an enormous brushfire just over the ridge. We're headed to Zion tonight, and should be in the desert for the next week or so.
It's been hard to find time to write, and in truth there's nothing earth-shattering to tell. Of course, there's everything to say and many photos to upload. My plan is to finish up some travelogue and get the guys to write a few things tonight and tomorrow. We have our deep cycle marine battery and inverter setup so we can keep the machines alive sans civilization, at least for a couple days.
I'll do an email when all that's together. For real this time.