I'm posting this from some open wifi at a sleepy strip mall in Palm Springs. It's not going to be much of an update. We're headed into the Desert.
It's been a good run down the coast, feeling more and more like a real Road Trip the further we get from familiar territory and the more we work out our routine. Visits with Mike & Emily in Santa Cruz, Mark's Grandfather, Aunt and Uncle in Lompoc, Molly & Greg & and my Sis down in LA, all good and enjoyable. More on all that and the settling of group dynamics later.
Right now we're going to camp at Joshua Tree for a day or two. The heat is already intense, but we've got plenty of water for a couple days in the desert. The truck is running strong... the LA freeway traffic triggered our old tranny problem, but we handled it ok. Getting to be a little rountine now.
Anyway, we're off. I'm taking a snapshot of the website to carry with us off the grid so we can work on it by starlight and inverter. Next stop in civilization is Las Vegas. See you all then.