Josh's blog

First Post

Submitted by Josh on May 19, 2005 - 12:43pm.

So here it is, the beginning.

This idea has been around for maybe ten years or so; the road trip, the new cultural movement, empowering people to empower people to empower people. I think on some level we have a conception of our selves which is heroic, and I think this is good. We want to be saviors in our time, folk heroes of a sort. There's the threatening possibility of hubris in this, yes, but I believe our aspirations are noble and true.

The dream idea of the road trip was in it's most nacent form an adolescent fantasy. Summer vacation forever. This innocent (if somewhat impractical) dream has had various brushes with reality. For me discovering far-out social projects like Oregon Country Fair and Burning Man lent a level of credibility to the notion that such things are possible. The growth and inevitable branchings out of our core social groups have variously boosted and diminished my hopes for something to actually happen and for that something to be good. Over the past two years I spent a good portion of my time hunkered down in a cubicle trying to affect the outcome of elections, and in truth during that time, I lost touch with a lot of this.

But somewhere in that time, Luke and Mark decided that it was time. Mark would be emerging from HSU and Luke would be putting an end to his duties as a GSI. There was (and is) a great need in the zeitgeist for something to take our lives to the next level. So the idea of the trip emerged again, and they started discussing it seriously.

When I fist got wind of it I was still in the trenches of the election, I think, and my response was somewhat noncommittal. At the time I had room for very little beyond my work, but the seed was planted in my mind and soon I was hinting at friends and co-workers that I would be off the map for the summer of '05. After the darkness of November 2nd passed and I found myself breaking free of my job, the trip began to take on very real and exciting proportions.

At present we are less than a month from takeoff. Luke and Mark are in Westhaven and I am bouncing about the East coast and getting ready to head back to California for two final weeks of work before joining them to get on the road. This website is just beginning to take shape, but I expect some great things from it.

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